Character education through learning the nation’s identity can truly be achieved through intensive museum visits. This process is now the main goal of the Independent Learning spirit promoted by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbudristek). Therefore, as part of the support system for the independent learning curriculum, the History of Java Museum always welcomes students with positive motivation.
Teenagers are always filled with talents, interests, and the potential for personal excellence. This is why the need for museums as centers of cultural heritage education is crucial to instill.
Since 2018, the History of Java Museum in Yogyakarta has become a reference for independent learning for every school that conducts outdoor learning activities, as recommended by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim.
To this day, the History of Java Museum has strived to adopt important points from each episode of Merdeka Belajar launched by Kemendikbudristek. Thus, education within the Museum remains aligned with the ideals of Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
The principle of independent learning aligns with the ideas of the father of Indonesian education, Ki Hajar Dewantara. It emphasizes how independence is both the goal and the paradigm of Indonesian education, where “students must grow according to their own nature, while the teacher is a guide who nurtures that nature.”
Independent Learning at the Museum in Accordance with Minister Nadiem’s Recommendation
This year, Minister of Education Nadiem once again emphasized that the independent curriculum focuses on in-depth learning to develop characteristics and competencies.
Students who once only learned theory in the classroom can now explore and gain knowledge and experiences outside of school through Merdeka Belajar programs. Similarly, university students can take part in the Kampus Merdeka program through museum visits.
This content was published on Kompasiana.com under the title “Generasi Remaja Pancasila dan Project Merdeka Belajar di Museum History of Java.” Click to read:
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