1.) Tarumanagara
Tarumanagara or taruma kingdom is a kingdom that once ruled in the western regions of java island in the 4th century. Taruma is one of the oldest kingdoms in the archipelago wich leaving historical records. in the historical record and the relics of artifacts around the royal location,it appears that at that time the kingdom of taruma was a Hindu Vishnu Kingdom.
The existence of this kingdom is known from 7 stone inscriptions found in Bogor, Jakarta and Lebak Banten, These inscriptions mention the king who once ruled the kingdom of Taruma, namely Purnawarman. Another source of the existence of this kingdom is for the Chinese news, where it is mentioned that there is a messenger from to-lo-mo phonetically named as Taruma.
The explanation of Tarumanagara id quite clear in the wangsakerta manuscript. Unfortunately, this manuscript invites polemics and many historians doubt that these texts can be used as historical references.Taruma power is shown covering all western Java to Purwalingga(purbalingga).

2.) Kalingga
Historical records about the existence of the Kingdom of Kalingga are obtained from two main sources: the Chinese historical chronicles, as well as local manuscript historical records, complemented by local oral traditions mentioning the legendary queen named Queen Shima.

The Chinese records mention that in the 5th century, the Ho-Ling (or Kalingga) kingdom emerged, which is believed to have been located in the northern part of Central Java. Information about the Ho-Ling kingdom comes from inscriptions and records from China. In 752, the Ho-Ling kingdom became a vassal of Srivijaya because it became part of the Hindu trade network, along with Malayu and Tarumanagara, which had previously been conquered by Srivijaya. These three kingdoms became strong competitors to the Srivijaya-Buddhist trade network. Queen Shima is said to be the great-grandmother of Sanjaya, who later founded the Hindu Mataram kingdom.
Want to know more about this job? please come to history of java museum : Jl Parangtritis KM 5, Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta